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Our earlobes can become damaged from an injury, can become stretched due to age and take on a lot of wear and tear from the jewelry we choose. At Modern Dermatology of KY & Cosmetic Specialists, we can perform earlobe repair for:

  • Unwanted earlobe holes
  • Stretched holes due to heavy earrings
  • Dilated holes from gauges
  • Torn earlobe holes due to trauma

Earlobe repair is performed under local anesthesia is completed in about 30 minutes. Once stitches are placed into the ear, they remain there for one week.

Earlobe repair is very popular amongst patients who are enlisting in the military, as it is a requirement to not have any piercing holes that are see-through.

Fillers are also a temporary solution for earlobe repair. To determine which treatment is best for your needs, we are happy to offer complimentary consultations at our Cosmetic Specialists office.

Contact Us Today and Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation.

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